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Between a diagnosis of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS), chronic respiratory symptoms, and chronic fatigue for most of her life, Dr. Natalie is no stranger to health challenges. Throughout these trials, she sought treatment from dozens of doctors, who never seemed to give her concrete answers to what was really causing her to feel the terrible way she was. The frustrating feeling of not being heard by her doctors has led her to pursue a career in Functional Medicine, and to truly listen to the concerns of her patients. After struggling with weight gain, irregular periods, painful periods, and cystic acne, Dr. Natalie was diagnosed with PCOS in 2010. Since then she has made it her life mission to educate, to empower, and to advocate for women who also struggle with PCOS and the myriad of effects it can have on one’s life. In addition to helping women with PCOS, Dr. Natalie also has special skills and interest in helping women overcome infertility and other hormone related issues from a natural perspective. Through her own journey with Functional Medicine, Dr. Natalie has been able to manage her PCOS naturally, regulate her cycles, reverse cystic acne, and optimize her fertility. She now feels inspired to help other women do the same! WITH OVER 10 YEARS OF PCOS RESEARCH UNDER HER BELT, DR. NATALIE IS AN EXPERT IN HER CRAFT. In addition to her doctorate degree, Dr. Natalie spent countless hours outside the classroom completing advanced Functional Medicine training through the Institute of Functional Medicine and Apex Energetics, as well as advanced coursework in internal disorders through the American Board of Chiropractic Internists. Dr. Natalie has positioned herself at the forefront of the Functional Medicine industry with the most advanced, evidence-based training available. Dr. Natalie serves her clients through online programs and 1:1 coaching.