Sandro Graca, MSc, FABORM
Lecturer and researcher, Fellow of the ABORM (American Board of Oriental Reproductive Medicine) and member of the Board of Directors of Evidence Based Acupuncture.
Originally from Portugal, Sandro obtained his Licentiate in TCM at the Irish College of TCM in Dublin, followed by a four-week program on acupuncture and moxibustion at the Beijing University of Chinese Medicine.
He completed his MSc in Advanced Oriental Medicine (Research and Practice) at the Northern College of Acupuncture (NCA) – in conjunction with Middlesex University – focusing on acupuncture for polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). His research interest in acupuncture for PCOS led him to apply for a PhD, which he is currently working on.
Sandro is a lecturer on the online MSc program at the NCA in York, U.K. and he is one of the researchers on the Cochrane Review Group for acupuncture for assisted reproductive technology.
Sandro is also the Director for International Membership of the Obstetrical Acupuncture Association (OBAA).
4a Rockfield Medical Campus, Dundrum, Dublin 16, D16 T970
Contact Information
4a Rockfield Medical Campus, Dundrum, Dublin 16, D16 T970
Phone 2
Zip/Post Code
D16 T970
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